How it works

You don’t have to do it alone.

Why I want to work with you
  • Because when I was going through my own marriage challenges years ago, I didn’t have anyone like me to help me through it. It doesn’t have to be that way for you.
  • Because I want to support you on those tough days when you want to give up on yourself, your partner, and your relationship.
  • Because I want you and your spouse to rediscover that spark. I want you to turn the love back on in your marriage the way my husband and I did.
Marriage Re-invigoration

With my Marriage Re-invigoration strategies, tips, tools, and techniques, you will be amazed how quickly you can make changes in yourself and your relationship that will completely turn your marriage around. And, believe it or not, it can happen with or without the participation of your partner.

Don’t worry!

I’m not going to give you some one size fits all, cookie cutter approach and then turn you loose all by yourself. No way! That’s just not how I work.

Tailor-Made Solution Just for You

Together, you and I are going to create the solution that is tailor made to fit you, your partner, your particular relationship, and your unique challenges.

We’re going to rediscover that spark that still exists between you and your spouse – one of my special gifts is finding that spark – and we’re going to fan it back into a flame.

Option #1: Free Initial Consultation

Investment: $0

An initial 30-minute consult with me.

The purpose of this consult is for us to get acquainted and determine if your best option for improving your relationship and saving your marriage is to work with me.

Click here to schedule your FREE Consultation

Option #2: Relationship Breakthrough Session

Investment: $125

A 60-minute phone call with me by yourself or with your partner.

The purpose of this session is to give you a new perspective on where you are now with your marriage or relationship, where you want to go, and how you can get there.

This is not a sales call, and there is no obligation to continue working with me. That’s why I charge for it. The purpose of this one coaching session is to help you change your marriage mindset and get you going in the right direction to turn the love back on in your relationship.

Option #3: Marriage Mentoring Program

Investment: $295/month

Three 1-hour coaching sessions per month by yourself or with your partner.

Includes unlimited email support. The purpose of this program is to give you all the tools, techniques, and strategies you need to turn your relationship around once and for all. Together we will take it one step at a time and design your own personal, tailor-made solution that will save your marriage and help you fall in love all over again.